SUPPORT exodus
experience mind-bending theatre
We believe that Santa Fe should have a top-notch theatre that heightens the experiential landscape of the city different, joining the ranks of Meow Wolf, The Santa Fe Opera, and The Santa Fe Symphony. EXODUS is developing work, such as our first major project, IVANOV, an immersive, highly-intimate production performed for audiences of 5 throughout every inch of the house where the artists reside.
In order to continue making this sort of work, The Exodus Ensemble is seeking support! We are undertaking a 6 month developmental period, where we will produce three more original productions as an ensemble.
EXODUS is serious and excited about staging the most lively and adventurous theatrical events audiences have ever seen, right here in Santa Fe! With support in this vital period of incubation and development, we can make this vision an awesome reality.
donate to
the exodus ensemble